Introducing Cameron Breland: The new Communications Specialist for the World Data System International Program Office

The World Data System’s International Program Office (WDS-IPO) proudly announces the hiring of Cameron Breland as the new Communications Specialist, joining the active team led by Dr. Suzie Allard, Principal Investigator, and Meredith Goins, Executive Director. With an M.S. in Journalism and an undergraduate degree in Integrated Marketing and Communications, Cameron brings distinctive marketing experience from collegiate athletics, higher education, and public health to the communications role for the WDS-IPO.

Throughout his education and early career in marketing, Cameron developed a passion for seeking out information. The COVID-19 pandemic was occurring as he was completing his master’s, and his unique viewpoint on COVID-19 misinformation and the possible health effects of social media misinformation led him to develop a thesis project based in the public health field. It was a holistic perspective on the intersection of social media, health education, and misinformation in the United States, with an emphasis on misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. His graduate research on social media within the public health system taught him about the importance of prompt data collection, as research and future progress in any discipline depend heavily on data access.  

Furthermore, Cameron’s experience in promotions with various community shareholders in public health and conducting procedures through team efforts in a local government setting further enhanced his ability to communicate efficiently within the international research community. His passion for critical analysis and data-driven communications aligns with the WDS’s commitment to promoting unrestricted access to invaluable research data worldwide. 

Meredith Goins, on behalf of the WDS-IPO leadership team, expresses her confidence in Cameron’s exceptional qualifications, “WDS-IPO is thrilled to have a strong communicator with research experience join our team. His selection signifies the WDS’s dedication to advancing open science and empowering researchers with unfettered access to critical data resources.” 

“I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the valued team at the World Data System’s International Program Office,” expresses Cameron Breland. “Together, we will continue the great work in outreach to further advance networks and always keep moving our mission forward.” 

Media Contact: Cameron Breland, Communications Specialist,

Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office 

The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO), located at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, curates a database of research-ready data spanning the full range of marine ecosystem-related measurements including in-situ and remotely-sensed observations, experimental and model results, and synthesis products. 

BCO-DMO’s data stewardship philosophy encompasses all phases of the data life cycle from “proposal to preservation”. Their view of the data life cycle includes the following eight steps: science proposal writing; data acquisition; analysis and synthesis; data contribution; discovery and access; data use and reuse; publication; and preservation.  


GO FAIR is a bottom-up, stakeholder-driven and self-governed initiative that aims to implement the FAIR data principles, making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). It offers an open and inclusive ecosystem for individuals, institutions and organizations working together through Implementation Networks (INs). INs are active in three activity pillars: GO Build (Technology), GO Change (Culture), and GO Train (Training).  

Their aim is to connect FAIR stakeholders and foster a community where FAIR approaches can be shared, discussed, and advanced collaboratively. With GO FAIR US, the United States joins the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Brazil in establishing country-level coordinating offices.   


Aligning the expertise and infrastructure of the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute is a hub for world-class discovery and innovation, interdisciplinary graduate education, and talent development.  

The UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute addresses emerging, top-tier industry and workforce needs. The institute develops locally relevant and globally competitive scientists and engineers. Students will be prepared by teaching innovation and interdisciplinary problem-solving skills.