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“Navigating the Path to Success in Disaster Data Management” by Junshi Xia and Zhang Feng

24 June 


Join us for an illuminating webinar where Professors Junshi Xia and Zhang Feng will delve into the pivotal aspects of disaster data management, encompassing data sharing, discovery, and integration. This session aims to be much more than a technical discussion. It is a unique opportunity for our Early Career Researcher network to gain insights and be inspired by professionals who have navigated this complex field successfully. Our distinguished speakers will not only cover the integral details of disaster data management but also provide guidance on how early career researchers can carve out their own successful path in this vital discipline. Their professional journeys serve as invaluable roadmaps, offering practical advice and strategic direction. We encourage all aspiring professionals and curious minds to join us in this enlightening journey. Whether you’re just starting your career or looking for ways to make significant strides in disaster data management, this webinar offers valuable perspectives that could help shape your professional trajectory.

View presentation slides here.


Joint Statement on Research Data with STM, Crossref, and DataCite

20 June

Join us for an illuminating webinar where WDS, STM, Crossref, and DataCite discuss the endorsement of the Joint Statement on Research Data and what it means for connections within data infrastructure. Learn more about the history of the research data statement and its role in enhancing research assessment. Our speakers will talk about why it is important to endorse the statement and other assessment recommendations. Guest speakers will include Helena Cousijn, Martyn Rittman, and Hylke Koers. There will be a Q&A and discussion to conclude the webinar. Whether you are a researcher, publisher, or research organization, the webinar will offer great insight into each role in data and open research infrastructure. We look forward to seeing you there! 

 View presentation slides here.


Navigating the Research Data Management Compliance Maze as an Indonesian Early-Career Researcher: Unravelling Policies across Borders

23 April

World Data System Early Career Research Network member Madiareni Sulaiman presented the following webinar.

Abstract: Professional researchers like us are expected to be well-versed in the rules and regulations that govern research data management (RDM) and other open research initiatives. Even if we come from diverse fields, organizations, and even nations, it is still being determined if we early-career researchers have the same amount of expertise and comprehension of each topic. Because once RDM layer policies are in place, it is also critical to promote the ongoing professional growth of researchers and research support personnel in parallel. The upcoming session will further investigate this issue, building on the earlier presentation at DSWS 2023 in Tokyo in December 2023.

You can also view the slides from the presentation.


Rising Stars: A Webinar on Early Career Researchers’ Conference Experiences in Data 

27 February

Claire and Lianchong, our ECR co-chairs, will share their experiences and key takeaways from IDW23 and DSWS, including networking opportunities, and the significance of their research in the data science community. They will also shed some light on the specific challenges faced by early career researchers and the unique aspects of presenting at these prominent data science conferences.

Do not pass on the chance to learn about their unique perspectives on the conference landscape, sharing the highlights of their journey, the impact of their research, and the role of early career researchers in shaping the future of data science.

You can also view the slides from the presentation.


Applying the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance to Ecology and Biodiversity Research with Dr. Maui Hudson

14 November at 10 PM UTC

Dr. Maui Hudson, an indigenous scholar from New Zealand, will present a webinar for the World Data System titled “Applying the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance to Ecology and Biodiversity Research.”

Dr. Hudson’s research focuses on Māori data sovereignty and indigenous data governance. In this webinar, he will discuss how the CARE principles for indigenous data governance can be applied to ecological and biodiversity data collection, stewardship, and use.

The CARE principles emphasize Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics. Dr. Hudson will provide insights on how these principles can guide researchers and institutions to conduct science with indigenous communities in more ethical, equitable, and socially-just ways.

With ecology and biodiversity research often taking place on indigenous lands, this webinar will explore practical ways research can honor indigenous rights, interests, and values in relation to data. Dr. Hudson will share examples and recommendations applicable across scientific domains.

After the presentation, Dr. Hudson and the WDS-IPO staff will hold a Q&A session.

For more information, view Dr. Hudson’s ORCID for more information on his expertise and research interests.

You can also view the slides from the presentation.  


Why Attend IDW 2023?

11 October

International Data Week 2023 – The Festival of Data – will take place on 23-26 October 2023 in Salzburg, Austria and online. IDW 2023 will be hosted by the University of Salzburg through its Data Science and Geoinformatics departments, supported by the Governor of Salzburg and with assistance from the Austrian Academy of Sciences – GIScience and the European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information.
View the recording of this webinar to learn more about the IDW2023 format, programme elements, Whova platform, and useful tips for onsite or online participation. Representatives from the Organising Committee also addressed questions from attendees with regards to IDW2023.

You can also view the slides from the presentation.  


Data Experts on Career Development: Perspectives on Data Management Across Time, Disciplines, and Research Environments with Bruce Wilson

5 September

Bruce Wilson is a chemist by original training, who found himself drowning in data as a result of work in industrial process analytical chemistry and some early successes in high throughput research methods. His work building tools to meet his own data management needs led to building tools to help other scientists across a wide range of domains manage, find, and use data. Bruce presently serves as the Manager for the NASA-funded Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC) and as the Group Leader for ORNL’s Remote Sensing and Environmental Informatics Group. In this webinar, Bruce shared his thoughts about successes and challenges as an individual contributor and a leader in data management and scientific cyberinfrastructure, based on a career that includes work in industry, government labs, and academia. Bruce also answered questions from guests in a Q&A sessions from two different timezones, which have been combined into this comprehensive recording.


Roaring into the Future of Research

A Conversation with the Research Organization Registry’s Amanda French

23 August at 5PM UTC

The Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a community-led project building an open, sustainable, usable, and unique identifier for every research organization in the world. ROR IDs help connect research outputs to the organizations that produced them, increasing discoverability and reproducibility. 

This webinar featured ROR’s Amanda French, who provided an overview of the ROR registry, how to register your organization for an ID, and how ROR IDs are being used by repositories, publishers, funders, and other stakeholders. There was also a live Q&A session. 

See the presentation

Data Experts on Career Development: Open Session with David Castle

17 May 2023

This webinar was led by Dr. David Castle, Professor in the School of Public Administration and the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria and Researcher in Residence at the Office of the Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada. He is also the Chair of the World Data System Scientific Committee (WDS-SC).

In this webinar, Dr. Castle discussed the concept of “cumulative progress” and how career advancement can involve chance and serendipity, as well as preparation and curiosity. He cited Louis Pasteur’s statement, “Chance favors the prepared mind,” to emphasize the importance of being receptive to unexpected opportunities. He also shared his own career path from science to philosophy to ethics, which was influenced by various encounters and interests. He encouraged participants to be open-minded and network with diverse peers and mentors.

CoreTrustSeal and World Data System: Partners Advocating for Data Repositories–Getting to Know CTS and WDS

20 April 2023

On 20 April at 1pm Eastern (5pm UTC), we hosted a webinar with Meredith Goins, Executive Director of World Data System International Program Office, and Jon Crabtree, Chair of the CoreTrustSeal Board of Directors. They introduced us to World Data System and the CoreTrustSeal, two organizations that used to share an office and now collaborate as partners to support data repositories.

Why attend SciDataCon 2023?

14 April 2023

Are you interested in learning more about SciDataCon, the international conference on data for research and innovation, which will be taking place as an integral part of International Data Week 2023: A Festival of Data, Salzburg, Austria, 23-26 October 2023?

The Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), both data organizations established by the International Science Council, organized a webinar entitled “Why attend SciDataCon 2023?”. In the webinar Simon Hodson and Meredith Goins share their insights on and discuss with the community the themes, topics, and submission process of SciDataCon 2023. The event recording and slides may be useful to understand the background on SciDataCon and IDW conference in general as well as to answer questions that you may have regarding scope of this years’ edition and opportunities it offers

Research Analysis: WDS Members and Canadian CTS Cohort Needs Assessment

14 March 2023

Caroline Lee of the WDS_ITO presented on the results of a review conducted by the World Data System’s International Technology and International Program Offices. The review aimed to identify the needs and challenges faced by the WDS and Canadian CTS Cohort members by analyzing their strategic plans and technical roadmaps. The webinar focused on discussing the new organizational assessment method used in the review, the findings of the review, and was followed by a Q&A session.

Data Experts on Career Development: Open Session with Claudia Medeiros

28 February 2023

This was a special webinar for early career researchers. Claudia Medeiros, vice chair of the WDS Scientific Committee, discussed her career trajectory and answered questions from early career researchers interested in how to manage research data, to make their research more visible, and to enhance collaboration with others.

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