Communities of ExcellenceWhy Join?
Increased visibility, trustworthiness, and performance are some of the benefits.
Heighten your Repository's profile
Gain worldwide visibility with the International Science Council, international funders, and other members of the international data community
Demonstrate your repository's committment to open science
Promote your organization as a trustworthy scientific data service that embodies the spirit of open science through WDS Data Sharing Principles
Enhance your Repository's Performance & Agility
Enhance discovery of your organization’s data, improve practice through international data exchange, and facilitate citation of your data
Membership Process
Application for Membership
Start with the WDS Membership Application form, and specify the WDS membership category you believe most appropriate to your organization. Categories are listed below.
Review by the Scientific Committee
Regular and Network members will be expected to attain CoreTrustSeal certification. All member applications are reviewed by the Scientific Committee of WDS.
Feedback or Accreditation
If your application is approved, you will be an accredited member of WDS. If your application is not approved, you will receive feedback on how to update your application materials to gain future accreditation.
Member Categories
Regular Members
Regular Members are organizations that are data stewards and/or data analysis services (e.g., data centers and services that support scientific research by holding and providing data or data products).
Network Members
Network Members are umbrella bodies representing groups of data stewardship organizations and/or data analysis services, some of which may or may not be WDS Regular Members. Network Members usually serve as coordinating agents for nodes that have common characteristics and mostly common disciplines (e.g., International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange).
Partner Members
Partner Members are organizations that are not data stewards or data analysis services, but that contribute support or funding to WDS and/or WDS Members (e.g., International Scientific Unions of ISC supporting data services, and public and private agencies that provide technical or financial support).
Associate Members
Associate Members are organizations that are interested in the WDS endeavour and participate in our discussions, but that do not contribute direct funding or other material support (ISC National Members, Academies, and some commercial entities could be in this category).
Candidate Members
Candidate Members are organizations who wish to become Regular Members, but who currently do not have all processes and documentation in place to undergo CoreTrustSeal certification. Candidate membership is a sign of commitment that an organization will become a certified CoreTrustSeal Trustworthy Data Repository and an accredited WDS Regular Member.
Data Sharing Principles
WDS is committed to fostering compliance with agreed-upon data standards and conventions, and providing mechanisms to facilitate and improve access to data. As the leading international, multidisciplinary organization in the provision of Trustworthy Data Services, WDS has adopted Data Sharing Principles to advance its goals.
Member Profiles
The WDS Member Directory offers search and sorting capabilities to facilitate a streamlines nagigation of our member profiles.
If you have any questions, please email