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The 2024 Webinar Series presents:

WDS Federated Search Planning: Unlocking the Power of Federated Search


Join us for a webinar on the cutting-edge advancements in research data management through federated search toolings and their myriad applications. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of data-driven research, efficient access to diverse datasets is essential. This webinar will delve into the innovative solutions offered by federated search technologies, revolutionizing how researchers discover, access, and utilize data across various sources. Throughout the session, we will look at multifaceted aspects of federated search applications, shedding light on its pivotal role in modern research ecosystems. Guest speakers will include Chantelle Verhey (WDS-ITO), Dr. Jung-Ho Um (KISTI), and Dr. Nobutada Yokouchi (UTokyo).

Topics to be covered include:

  1. Foundations of Federated Search: Understand the underlying principles and mechanisms driving federated search, including FAIR, indexing, and query optimization.
  2. Interoperability and Integration: Learn about interoperability standards and protocols facilitating seamless integration between data sources, fostering collaboration, and data sharing initiatives
  3. Enhancing Research Efficiency: Discover how federated search accelerates the research workflow, enabling researchers to efficiently locate relevant datasets, and metadata
  4. Case Studies and Real-World Applications: Gain insights from successful implementations and case studies showcasing the diverse applications of federated search across academic, scientific, and industry domains.

Whether you’re a researcher, librarian, data scientist, or industry professional, this webinar offers a unique opportunity to stay at the forefront of research data management best practices. Join us as we highlight the potential of federated search to propel innovation, collaboration, and discovery in the realm of data-driven research.


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18 July 2024 8:00 AM EDT 18 July 2024 12:00 PM UTC

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Recorded Sessions from Previous Webinars

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