Member Highlight: California Digital Library

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The California Digital Library (CDL) is a member of the World Data System and a leading provider of digital library services to the University of California system. CDL’s mission is to provide transformative digital library services, grounded in campus partnerships and extended through external collaborations, that amplify the impact of the libraries, scholarship, and resources of the University of California.

CDL’s vision is to be a catalyst for deeply collaborative solutions providing a rich, intuitive and seamless environment for publishing, sharing and preserving our scholars’ increasingly diverse outputs, as well as for acquiring and accessing information critical to the University’s scholarly enterprise.
CDL’s values are:

  • Collaboration: CDL believes that collaboration is essential to achieving its mission. It partners with libraries, universities, and other organizations around the world to create a more open and accessible world of knowledge.
  • Innovation: CDL is committed to innovation in the digital library space. It is constantly looking for new ways to use technology to improve the way people access and use information.
  • Sustainability: CDL is committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability of its digital collections. It uses open standards and best practices to ensure that its data can be preserved and accessed for future generations.

CDL is a valuable member of the World Data System community. It is a leader in the field of digital library services and its work is making a real difference in the world.

Here are some of CDL’s accomplishments:

  • Developed the Calisphere digital library: Calisphere is a collection of over 2 million digitized objects from the University of California libraries.
  • Created the Dataverse Network: The Dataverse Network is a federated network of data repositories that provides access to research data from around the world.
  • Launched the Data for Research project: The Data for Research project is a collaboration between CDL and the University of California Office of the President to promote the use of data in research.

CDL is a dynamic and ever-evolving organization. It is committed to providing transformative digital library services that amplify the impact of the libraries, scholarship, and resources of the University of California.

WDS Member Highlight: Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ)

WDS Member Highlight: Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ)

The Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ) is a member of the World Data System that promotes and coordinates research for sustainable development in Zimbabwe. RCZ advises the government on research issues, facilitates collaboration among research institutes and councils, and links with professional bodies and centers of excellence. RCZ’s vision is to be the pivotal leader in steering demand-driven research for wealth creation and the sustainable development of Zimbabwe by 2030. RCZ’s mission is to contribute to the knowledge economy through promoting and translating research results into goods and services. RCZ’s values are innovation, integrity, professionalism and Unhu/Ubuntu, a term derived from Bantu languages which means that they uphold the principles of human dignity, mutual respect and social justice in their work.

Learn more about the RCZ

WDS Member Highlight: World Data Center for Geophysics, Beijing

WDS Member Highlight: World Data Center for Geophysics, Beijing

WDC for Geophysics, Beijing, supported by the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS), collects and provides scientific data on geophysics and space environment. It operates two observation systems: Space Environment Exploration System, which monitors various parameters of the earth’s space environment with four stations in China and two in the polar regions; and Seismic Array Observation System, which monitors seismic activity with a network of stations. It also participates in the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Network (STERN), which observes the ionosphere, upper atmosphere and the earth’s magnetic field with nine stations of CAS. It hosts more than 110 Gigabytes of parameters data and the mirror sites of the Madrigal Database and DIDBase, which contain more than 9 Terabytes of data. These data are open to the public through its website. WDC for Geophysics, Beijing is a regular member of the World Data System and promotes data sharing and scientific knowledge on geophysics and space environment.

For more info on the World Data Center for Geophysics, Beijing, see their website here.

WDS Member Highlight: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC)

WDS Member Highlight: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC)

The ORNL DAAC is a NASA data center that archives and distributes data on terrestrial biogeochemistry and ecological dynamics and is a member of the World Data System. The ORNL DAAC is operated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, home of the WDS International Program Office (WDS-IPO). The ORNL DAAC’s mission is to provide data services for a comprehensive archive of observations and models to support NASA’s Earth Science. The ORNL DAAC’s goals are to serve as the primary data repository for NASA’s Terrestrial Ecology program and Carbon Cycle Science and Ecosystems focus area, provide ground- and aircraft-based data to assess the accuracy and uncertainty of NASA’s Earth Science missions, work with NASA to develop best practices, tools, and training for data users and providers, and facilitate synthesis and analysis by providing and integrating diverse data.

See ORNL DAAC’s website for more info