Thanks for Sharing Your Organization's Story at the Members Forum
The World Data System (WDS) hosted its highly anticipated 2023 Members’ Forum on 22 October in Salzburg, Austria, leading up to International Data Week. The gathering brought together over 45 WDS member representatives from around the globe, both in person and virtually, to connect, collaborate, and discuss progress in the domain of research data.
The full-day program kicked off with opening remarks from WDS International Program Office Executive Director Meredith Goins, who welcomed members and expressed gratitude for their attendance and contributions. Featured presentations then provided updates on the activities of WDS governing bodies over the past 12 months, including advances towards the Action Plan goals by the International Program and Technology Offices, as well as new initiatives from the Scientific Committee.
The real highlight of the Forum was the session dedicated to member presentations. Over 20 member organizations took the opportunity to showcase their work through short videos or slideshows, as requested in the lead-up registration materials and the WDS Bylaws.
Representatives briefly introduced their repositories or institutions, highlighted key milestones and achievements, and outlined future plans and challenges. The diverse contributions demonstrated the global reach and impact of the WDS membership community. You can view the member presentations on our Vimeo here.
In addition to supporting an exchange of information, the event served as an invaluable networking platform. Members actively engaged in Q&A discussions and used dedicated break periods to continue conversations in person. Many new collaborations have begun as a result of the connections formed.
Overall, surveyed feedback indicated the 2023 Members Forum was a resounding success in bringing the whole WDS community together at a critical time. Participants expressed appreciation for the opportunity to learn about progress, strategize challenges, and strengthen the cooperative relationships that underpin WDS’s efforts to maximize the benefits of international data sharing. Planning has already begun for the next meeting, and we can’t wait to see you there!