Member Highlight: The Australian Antarctic Data Centre
Member Highlight: The Australian Antarctic Data Centre
The Australian Antarctic Data Centre (AADC) is a research data stewardship center at the Australian Antarctic Division. It was established in 1996 to provide long-term management of Australia’s Antarctic data, improving the value and impact of our scientific activities. The AADC is committed to the free and open exchange of scientific data, consistent with the Antarctic Treaty’s position that scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall be exchanged and made freely available. The AADC hosts various data services, such as the Catalogue of Australian Antarctic and Subantarctic Metadata (CAASM), the Australian Antarctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (AASDI), and the Australian Antarctic Map Catalogue. The AADC also supports the logistical operations of the Australian Antarctic Program by providing mapping and satellite imagery services. The AADC team blends data management and scientific domain expertise with skills in computing, application development, geographic information systems, modelling, and statistical analyses.