Virtual Meeting Etiquette

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Thank you for joining us

World Data System is happy to meet with you virtually. We have a few rules of etiquette to maximize the effectivess of our virtual meetings.


Expected Behavior
  • We encourage constructive, respectful, collaborative, and thought-provoking discussions, comments, questions, and actions.
  • All fellow attendees should be treated with respect and consideration.
  • Honest and professional questions or comments related to WDS or the data repository community are encouraged and will not be rejected if they follow these rules.
  • WDS may request that you send your comments and contact information to a specific email address or ask for your contact information for follow-up after the conclusion of the session to discuss your questions or concerns and/or fully review and address your request. Please allow time for an adequate response.
  • Please note that comments, questions, statements, or images in virtual forums should not reveal personal information (e.g. citizenship, specific financial data, etc.) about yourself or others.
  • This session may be recorded. If you do not consent to be recorded, please let WDS know.
  • Comments or questions posted by a non-WDS staff member are solely the responsibility of the commenter, are not edited by WDS for accuracy, and may not reflect the views or opinions of WDS.
Unacceptable Behavior
  • WDS virtual events will not be used as a forum for personal or professional attacks against any individual or any organization. Personal and/professional attacks include, but are not limited to, the use of culturally, racially, gender, religious, or other insensitive, discriminatory, or threatening language, images, links, and/or comments regarding any specific person, class, or status or any company, organization, or government agency.
  • Abusive, inflammatory, defamatory, obscene, profane, intimidating, or harassing language, behavior, or speech will not be tolerated.
  • Attendees should not make audio or visual recordings, take pictures or make copies, or distribute such pictures or recordings without permission granted from WDS.
  • Attendees shall refrain from posting or sharing:
      • Off-topic, disruptive, and/or irrelevant information;
      • Misinformation;
      • Proprietary, non-public, secure, trade secret, copyright-protected, or business confidential information;
      • Non-related links to products, services, or other organizations; or
      • Multiple postings of identical questions, comments, or information.
Consequence of Unacceptable Behavior

If an attendee violates or appears to violate the rules of etiquette, WDS reserves the right to immediately remove the violating communications from public view, suspend additional communication from the attendee and/or remove the attendee from the virtual meeting. These actions may also result in a temporary or permanent ban from future WDS events.

If you have any questions about these rules of etiquette for virtual meetings, please email us at

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