World Data System Members’ Forum

World Data System Members’ Forum

World Data System Members’ Forum

The World Data System Members’ Forum will take place leading up to International Data Week on Sunday, 22 October both online and in person in Salzburg. The event will be hybrid for inclusivity, but we strongly encourage your physical attendance for networking and engagement. 
Per the WDS constitution, WDS is required to host a biennial members’ meeting.  More explicitly, the WDS bylaws share the program of the forum is to include a Scientific Session, where members report on their activities and engage with other members; and a Plenary Session which provides a formal mechanism for membership consultation where membership issues can be discussed.

The WDS Members’ Forum is an opportunity for the WDS community to report on their specific developments, activities, and progress, as well as to discuss the strategic and organizational objectives of the WDS.

For the Scientific Session, we are requesting that members submit a five-to-seven-minute video or oral presentation that includes the following information:

·       Your organization’s vision or main priorities for the next five years
·       The opportunities and challenges in realizing the vision or priorities
·       How WDS can assist in realizing the goals or dealing with the issues

A call to membership for your organization’s update with more details on submission guidelines will go out soon.

For the Plenary Session, The WDS-IPO invites all WDS members to submit questions, concerns, or complaints to be addressed at the forum by emailing

The registration for the WDS Members’ Forum will open in the coming months. More details on the program and venue will be shared and published on the WDS website. 

You can view our previous Members Forum from International Data Week 2022 here. 

WDS Repository Sustainability Summit 2023

WDS Repository Sustainability Summit 2023

WDS Repository Sustainability Summit 2023

Registration is now open for the WDS Repository Sustainability Summit 2023!

We are thrilled to invite you to the World Data System Repository Sustainability Summit 2023, a one and a half day event that will take place on 20 and 21 July at the University of Tennessee Student Union in Knoxville, TN, USA. This summit is designed for WDS members and prospective members who want to learn how to improve their sustainability plan for their repository and connect with resources and partners.

The main goal of the Summit is to help you create or enhance your sustainability plan for long-term preservation of your data sets. You will learn about the trends and challenges in fiscal sustainability and will also get feedback and guidance from WDS experts and peers on how to develop and implement your own sustainability plan.

By attending the Summit, you will not only gain valuable knowledge and skills, but also contribute to the global effort of ensuring the availability and usability of quality data for current and future generations.

The Summit is hosted by the World Data System and the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK), with support from various sponsors and partners. Some of the highlights of the summit include:

•    An opening session and keynote by Suzie Allard, Director of the Research and Innovation Center at UTK and David Castle, Chair of the WDS Scientific Committee, as well as a recorded message from the International Science Council’s CEO, Salvatore Aricò and a virtual presentation from UNESCO’s Ana Persec
•    A keynote speaker panel lunch with peers speaking to peers on finding sustainability for their repositories
•    A keynote speaker panel from the funder’s point of view of financial sustainability of repositories
•    Four lessons on sustainability planning, followed by hands-on breakout sessions for interactive learning and feedback

Registration is open to all, but priority will be given to World Data System members. The event is limited to 50 participants so register today!

There is no fee to attend the Summit. Continental breakfast and lunches will be provided to attendees on Thursday and Friday. Attendees are responsible for their travel, lodging, and remaining meal costs.

Once your registration is accepted to the event, links to room blocks at local hotels will be shared with attendees. Please email with any questions you may have.

Learn more about the Summit agenda, speakers, and register today at

We look forward to seeing you in person!


WDS Member Highlight: Swedish National Data Service (SND)

WDS Member Highlight: Swedish National Data Service (SND)

WDS Member Highlight: Swedish National Data Service (SND)

The Swedish National Data Service (SND) is housed at the University of Gothenburg. SND’s primary mission is to facilitate the sharing, reuse, and description of research data by providing support to Swedish higher education institutions and other research organizations. The organization offers a range of services such as advice, training materials, and tools for research data management. SND’s digital system DORIS allows researchers to describe and share research data, and their national catalogue provides access to research data and descriptions from various scientific fields. The organization collaborates with various international and national organizations to improve access to research data. SND also provides training materials and activities for researchers and staff in research data support functions.

More info on the SND:




WDS Member Highlight: Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)

WDS Member Highlight: Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)

WDS Member Highlight: Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)

The Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) is a research institute established in 2004 at Kyoto University. RISH conducts interdisciplinary research on Humanosphere Science, which is the science of creating a sustainable human society in harmony with the environment, energy and resources. RISH has five missions that cover various aspects of the humanosphere, such as environmental diagnosis, solar energy, space environments, wood-based materials and quality of life. RISH also provides joint usage and research opportunities for researchers who want to use its advanced research facilities and collaborate with its experts.

More info on RISH:




WDS Member Highlight: Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD)

WDS Member Highlight: Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD)

WDS Member Highlight: Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD)

The Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD) is a national data center dedicated to the professional processing and long-term storage of marine environmental and fisheries data and production of data products. It was established at the Institute of Marine Research in Norway and maintains the largest collection of marine data in the country. NMD serves as an operational service and competence center for handling marine data and data products and provides and visualizes data for Norwegian marine research and their international partners. NMD also participates in national and international standards, guidelines, networks, and research projects related to marine data.


NMD is also part of a larger research infrastructure called NMDC, which involves 16 Norwegian institutions that aim to provide seamless access to marine data covering waters of Norwegian interest. NMDC acts as the coordination unit for marine data in Norwegian waters and simplifies the technical obstacles for data sharing across institutions and disciplines. NMDC also harmonizes its activities and developments with the principles of “Norway Digital” and the EU INSPIRE directive for geographical data.

More info on the NMD: