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Co-Chair the WDS-ECR Network
Home » Early Career Researcher Network » ECR 2025-2028 Nominations

Are you passionate about data stewardship and Early Career development?

The World Data System – Early Career Researcher (WDS-ECR) Network invites nominations for the role of Co-chair. This is an exciting opportunity to develop leadership skills while fostering a global community dedicated to advancing research data management and shaping the future of early career researchers.

WDS-ECR Co-chairs serve a term of three (3) years. For more information about the mission of the Network and the responsibilities of the Co-chairs, please read the Network’s Charter.

Eligibility Criteria for Nominees:

  • Must be an active member of the WDS-ECR Network.
  • Within 10 years post master’s or PhD degree, or equivalent professional training.

  • Submission of a completed nomination form, including:
    • A resume (maximum 2 pages)
    • Two (2) endorsement letters
    • Statements on the candidate’s
      • suitability to lead the WDS-ECR Network
      • plan to advance the WDS-ECR Network

Nomination Period:

Start: August 2, 2024
End: September 30, 2024 (by 11:59 PM Eastern Time)

To prepare a compelling application, be guided by the Reviewer’s Rubric, which outlines the key qualities sought in a successful nominee.

We seek a dynamic individual who can bring forth creative activities and strategic vision to empower our community!

Benefits of Becoming Co-Chair:

    • Work closely with the WDS Scientific Committee, gaining valuable leadership experience and enhanced networking opportunities through interactions with international experts.
    • Collaborate with the WDS International Program Office (IPO) and International Technology Office (ITO) on strategies and events that promote and grow our community.

Embrace this opportunity to leave your mark on the world of data stewardship!

If you have any questions, please email

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