Member Highlight: International Laser Ranging Service

The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) provides global satellite and lunar laser ranging data and their related products to support geodetic and geophysical research activities. The aim of these activities is primarily focused on geodetic and geophysical parameter estimation and geophysical model development. Furthermore, the main thrust of these activities addresses the needs of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) with products that contribute to the development of an ever more accurate International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).

The unique ability of ILRS to sense the Earth System center of mass with high accuracy makes these products invaluable in the development of the ITRF, the prime product is the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). The service coordinates operations of a global laser ranging network, develops the necessary global standards/specifications, and encourages international adherence to its conventions ensuring the highest quality of results. The ILRS is one of the space geodetic services of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). The ILRS data and products are collected and generated under strict standards and they contribute to a wide range of scientific, engineering, and operational applications and experimentation.

The ILRS has been a WDS network member since 2013.

Member Highlight: Center for Socio-Political Data


The Center for Socio-Political Data (CDSP) is one of France’s major centers for the production and handling of social science data. It is a key player in the documentation, preservation and production of data. It is also a center of expertise on quantitative and qualitative methods, associated with European research infrastructures. A support and research unit (UAR 828) set up in 2005 by Sciences Po and the CNRS, CDSP is sustained by a team of more than 20 developers, engineers and data specialists.

CDSP is developing a range of infrastructures, platforms and services aimed at the academic community and fully engaged with an open science approach. In this capacity, CDSP provides expertise relating to probability panels and online surveys, metadata standards, and the development and implementation of application infrastructures for research. As such, CSDP is an actor for the promotion and the implementation of open science principles in the SSH community in France and Europe.

CDSP’s databank received CTS certification in August 2023, and they have been a WDS regular member since December 2023.

WDS DORA Endorsement Announcement


World Data System, 2 May 2024 – Word Data System (WDS) announces that our Scientific Committee has approved the endorsement of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), an initiative designed to improve the ways scholarly research is assessed. DORA, published in 2013, understands the pressing need to improve practices in research assessment and recommends the need for using journal-based metrics to obtain funding. The statement also expresses the need to assess research on its own merits rather than the journal in which it is published.

The signature endorsement shows WDS’ continual support for proper research practices along with other signatories and organizations. DORA’s recommendations have central themes focusing on the elimination of journal-based metrics, assessing research on its own merits, and needing to capitalize on the opportunities provided by online publication. They recognize that many institutions, publishers, and researchers are currently encouraging better practices in research assessment. DORA is following the momentum toward more sophisticated and meaningful approaches to research evaluation that can now be built upon and adopted by all the key constituencies involved. Read the full recommendations for practices in research here.

DORA is closing in on 25,000 signatures and endorsements from almost 200 U.S. based organizations. This announcement is one of the many commitments WDS has made to engage with researchers, research organizations, and repositories to further develop quality research and data. Learn more about the full statement and see how you can support the declaration alongside WDS. 



Member Highlight: China National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb)

The China National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb) has recently joined the World Data System as a Regular Member. CNGBdb is a unified platform built for biological big data sharing and application services to the research community. Based on the big data and cloud computing technologies, it provides data services such as archive, analysis, knowledge search, management authorization, and visualization. At present, CNGBdb has integrated large amounts of internal and external molecular data and other information from CNGB, NCBI, EBI, DDBJ, etc., indexed by search, covering 10 data structures. Moreover, CNGBdb correlates living sources, biological samples and bioinformatic data to realize the traceability of comprehensive data.

China National GeneBank DataBase is one of the key science infrastructures in Shenzhen, approved and funded by the Chinese government. CNGBdb is committed to supporting public welfare, life science research, innovation and industry development, through effective bioresource conservation, digitalization and utilization.

The China National GeneBank DataBase is a public, non-profit, open, and enabling platform. It facilitates advanced genomics R&D and technology transfer to industrial application, including precision medicine, agriculture, marine sciences and microbial application, towards its mission of making genetic resources “Owned by All, Completed by All and Shared by All”.

Member Highlight: Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)

The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KISTI) joined as an Associate Member in September 2013, attained CoreTrustSeal certification March 2024 and just moved to Regular Member. KISTI is a government-funded research institute in South Korea established in 1962 and contributes to the promotion of national science and technology, industrial development, and national welfare by establishing R&D and service system of science and technology infrastructure.

As a leading national institute of science and technology information, KISTI’s mission states development and support of core science and technology information resources and knowledge infrastructure and create an open, shared-data ecosystem, contributing to the innovative growth of Korea and the quality of citizen’s lives.

Open Climate Campaign Partnership Announcement

WDS is excited to announce a new endorsement of the Open Climate Campaign.

 World Data System, 4 April 2024 — World Data System is proud to join international organizations and open access advocates to endorse and promote the Open Climate Campaign. To make open sharing of research outputs the norm in climate science, Creative Commons, SPARC, and EIFL launched a 4-year Open Climate Campaign in August 2022 with funding from Arcadia, which built on planning funds from the Open Society Foundations. Climate change, and the resulting harm to our global biodiversity, is one of the world’s most pressing challenges. While the existence of climate change and the resulting loss of biodiversity is certain, knowledge and data about these global challenges and the possible solutions, mitigations, and actions to tackle them were too often not publicly accessible.

The WDS, alongside many researchers, governments, and global environmental organizations recognizes the importance of sharing research openly to accelerate progress in combating climate change through facilitating effective knowledge sharing and collaboration across disciplinary and geographic borders.

This global Open Climate Campaign is currently operating under the following goals:

  • Bring attention to the issue of access to knowledge on climate change and biodiversity.
  • Work directly with national governments, funders and environmental organizations to create open access policies and make it easier to share their climate change content.
  • Identify, engage and contribute to draft international frameworks to include open access policy recommendations.
  • Identify important existing climate and biodiversity research publications not already open access and help them move to open access where possible. We will also explore tactics to facilitate changes in publisher actions to ensure climate and biodiversity research is open access.
  • Engage with researchers, universities and policy makers in traditionally excluded geographical regions to ensure inclusive outcomes throughout.

One way of contributing is to encourage our members and partners to participate in the campaign when the opportunity arises. Make sure to share with WDS if you engage so we can also highlight your efforts. WDS will also contribute by sharing information on the Open Climate Campaign on social media and also host at least one webinar per year on data and the Open Climate Campaign on how to identify progressive actions in climate conversations. If you have suggestions on upcoming topics or events, please contact

To learn more about the Open Climate Campaign or to connect, please visit the Open Climate Campaign website. We encourage members to subscribe to the campaign newsletter for future updates here.


WDS-SC Nomination Update


Join the World Data System Scientific Committee (WDS-SC): Two Vacant Positions Open Now

We’re pleased to announce that the World Data System is currently seeking to fill two vacant positions on our esteemed Scientific Committee. The WDS-SC is the governing body of WDS, and it is made up of leading scientists experienced in using extensive data resources or data center/service executive leads. SC members are appointed for three years and may renew once. As an organization, we’re committed to fostering effective communication among all members and ensuring their diverse representation in every aspect of our operations.

Visit the WDS website to learn more about the current WDS Scientific Committee.

In line with the WDS Action Plan, in filling these new vacancies we aim to invite fresh perspectives and innovative ideas into our committee. We believe in the power of diversity and inclusiveness, particularly from regions and disciplines where voices have traditionally been underrepresented.

With a special focus on closing gaps in representation from the global south and underrepresented data-intensive disciplines, we’re eager to broaden our horizons. If you’re from one of these areas or possess expertise in such fields, we strongly encourage your participation.

By joining us, you’ll play a significant role in shaping the future of data science and its global impact. You’ll work collaboratively with other committee members from around the world towards common goals – improving quality standards, promoting best practices, and ensuring equitable and global access to data across all scientific domains. Apply today for an opportunity to be part of this transformative journey as we strive for greater diversity and inclusivity within WDS and beyond!

Nominations, including self-nominations, will be open from 7 March to 5 April. Voting on the slate of candidates by WDS members will occur in May.

To learn more and to submit a nomination, please visit the survey link here.

Please contact with any questions.

Introducing Cameron Breland: The new Communications Specialist for the World Data System International Program Office

The World Data System’s International Program Office (WDS-IPO) proudly announces the hiring of Cameron Breland as the new Communications Specialist, joining the active team led by Dr. Suzie Allard, Principal Investigator, and Meredith Goins, Executive Director. With an M.S. in Journalism and an undergraduate degree in Integrated Marketing and Communications, Cameron brings distinctive marketing experience from collegiate athletics, higher education, and public health to the communications role for the WDS-IPO.

Throughout his education and early career in marketing, Cameron developed a passion for seeking out information. The COVID-19 pandemic was occurring as he was completing his master’s, and his unique viewpoint on COVID-19 misinformation and the possible health effects of social media misinformation led him to develop a thesis project based in the public health field. It was a holistic perspective on the intersection of social media, health education, and misinformation in the United States, with an emphasis on misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. His graduate research on social media within the public health system taught him about the importance of prompt data collection, as research and future progress in any discipline depend heavily on data access.  

Furthermore, Cameron’s experience in promotions with various community shareholders in public health and conducting procedures through team efforts in a local government setting further enhanced his ability to communicate efficiently within the international research community. His passion for critical analysis and data-driven communications aligns with the WDS’s commitment to promoting unrestricted access to invaluable research data worldwide. 

Meredith Goins, on behalf of the WDS-IPO leadership team, expresses her confidence in Cameron’s exceptional qualifications, “WDS-IPO is thrilled to have a strong communicator with research experience join our team. His selection signifies the WDS’s dedication to advancing open science and empowering researchers with unfettered access to critical data resources.” 

“I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the valued team at the World Data System’s International Program Office,” expresses Cameron Breland. “Together, we will continue the great work in outreach to further advance networks and always keep moving our mission forward.” 

Media Contact: Cameron Breland, Communications Specialist,

Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office 

The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO), located at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, curates a database of research-ready data spanning the full range of marine ecosystem-related measurements including in-situ and remotely-sensed observations, experimental and model results, and synthesis products. 

BCO-DMO’s data stewardship philosophy encompasses all phases of the data life cycle from “proposal to preservation”. Their view of the data life cycle includes the following eight steps: science proposal writing; data acquisition; analysis and synthesis; data contribution; discovery and access; data use and reuse; publication; and preservation.  

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